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World-leading bridge architects win large-scale pedestrian project in China


A year after the opening of the world’s longest bicycle bridge in Xiamen, the Danish architecture firm Dissing+Weitling has won yet another large-scale infrastructure project in the Chinese city. A 20-kilometre network of footpaths and no less than seven spectacular footbridges will create outstanding experiences for the city’s pedestrians in the exchange between bustling urban life and luscious nature. Last year, under extensive media coverage, the City of Xiamen opened the world’s longest bicycle bridge – Xiamen Bicycle Skyway – with the ambition to improve conditions for cyclists in the hectic Chinese traffic. Once again, Xiamen has chosen to focus on improving conditions for soft road users – this time the pedestrians. The city’s vision is to create a large-scale network of footpaths, elevated footpaths and footbridges, which will lead residents and visitors through the mountainous landscape of Xiamen and connect city and nature. The proposal from world-leading Danish bridge architects Dissing+Weitling was recently chosen as the winner in an international design competition to envision the ambitious project.

▼大跨度弧形桥使用悬索结构,让桥梁的结构之美展露无遗;arc-shaped bridge with large span uses cable structure,revealing the beauty of bridge structure


Scenic footpaths with seven spectacular footbridges


Xiamen is a modern metropolis with a pulsating city-life and a hectic industrial port situated on a mountainous island with a luscious vegetation supported by a mild climate. The network of footpaths will bring the city’s residents and visitors into the mountains and connect the vibrant cityscape with the peaceful landscape. For this reason, one of Dissing+Weitling’s biggest challenges in designing the project was to create a coherent yet flexible design language that would be able to adapt to the different contexts.

▼七座天桥之一,one of the seven bridges

“这条长达20公里的线路在城市与自然之间建立了一种新的联系——高架的人行道和人行天桥贯穿整个城市和岛屿,成为厦门的风景优美的休闲动脉。它将成为这座城市的主要景点,并可能成为厦门的标志,吸引世界各地的游客,”Dissing+Weitling的合伙人兼首席执行官Steen Savery Trojaborg继续说道,“七个独特的行人天桥成为景观中的灯塔,在公园、森林和视线之间建立联系。这是一条悠闲的路线,自然风光优美,让人们置身于大自然之中。同时设计中尽可能少地影响着当地独特的动植物。使用者们将在树顶漫步,从一个新的视角看城市和风景。这将会是一段迷人的经历。”

”The 20-kilometre route creates a new connection between city and nature – a system of elevated footpaths and footbridges that run through the city and across the island as a scenic, recreational artery. It will be a major attraction for the city and possibly become an icon for Xiamen that can attract tourists from all over the world,” says Steen Savery Trojaborg, partner and CEO at Dissing+Weitling, and continues: “Seven unique footbridges appear as beacons in the landscape and create a link between parks, forests and viewpoints. A leisurely route filled with scenic experiences that brings people out into the nature while affecting the unique flora and fauna as little as possible. It will be a fascinating experience to walk among the treetops and see the city and landscape unfold from a new perspective”.

▼滨水的天桥设计了特别的观景台,the bridge near water has a special designed platform for the view

▼行人天桥将城市景观与自然景观连接起来,the footpaths will connect the urban landscape with the nature


Danish momentum in Xiamen

2017年厦门市自行车高速道路开通后,丹麦公司Dissing+Weitling又赢得了这个步道项目,标志着该公司在中国强劲的发展势头。在与地方当局的密切合作下,中标方案目前正在进一步发展,以适应城市的要求。该项目已命名为厦门人行路,预计将明年完工。“厦门再一次展示了它在可持续基础设施建设方面的雄心壮志,这是一个令人难以置信的雄心勃勃的项目,在功能上和美学上都将为世界各地城市的绿色出行和娱乐体的新标准,”Steen Savery Trojaborg说道。

Winning yet another infrastructure project in Xiamen, Dissing+Weitling continues their momentum in the Chinese city after the opening of Xiamen Bicycle Skyway in 2017. In close cooperation with local authorities, the winning proposal is currently being further developed and adapted to the city’s wishes. The comprehensive project has been named Xiamen Footpaths, and is expected to be completed already next year. “Once again, Xiamen manifests its ambitions in regards to sustainable infrastructure with an incredibly ambitious project, which both functionally and aesthetically will set new standards for green mobility and recreational experiences in cities all over the world,” ends Steen Savery Trojaborg.

▼夜景,the bridge at night

期间:2017 –
宽度:3.5 – 4.5米
工程公司:JSTI Engineering

Project: Xiamen Footpaths
Type: Footpaths, elevated footpaths and seven footbridges
Location: Xiamen, China
Period: 2017 –
International design competition, 1st prize
Status: In progress
Length, total: 21 km
Width: 3.5 – 4.5 m
Client: The City Government of Xiamen
Architect: DISSING+WEITLING architecture
Engineer: JSTI Engineering
Renderings: DISSING+WEITLING architecture