运动健康-Cross System:来自丹麦的新型户外健身方式

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来自 KOMPAN 对gooood的分享。更多请至:KOMPAN on gooood 
Appreciation towards KOMPAN for providing the following description:

Cross System系统改变了人们对于户外健身的看法,户外运动不再是简单基础的,也可以像室内健身一样专业、具有挑战性。Cross System系统的核心理念是加入适应性,使得每个使用者都可以使用不同的姿态和器材,根据自身条件改变健身强度。

Cross Systems changes the perception of outdoor fitness from simple and easy to scalable and challenging. Central to Cross Systems is scalable resistance, allowing everyone to train according to individual levels of fitness. The intensity can be determined by adjusting the body position to add more or less resistance or opting for a light/medium/heavy weight.

▼新型的户外健身系统,the new Cross System for outdoor fitness


Safe free weight exercise is possible in the outdoors through an innovative patent pending breaking system. The different weights move freely up and down a vertical tube, featuring a magnetic breaking system that offers controllable resistance, and prevents the weights from dropping to the surface and slows down the fall to a reduced pace.

▼可调整的设计,the adaptable design


Winning Design Awards in Europe and Australia

Cross System器材的设计是对外开放的,欢迎每一个居民的使用。从悬挂系统到手把,再到无负重设施和双杠,为整个社区提供创新的健身器材。六个不同的框架系统可以独立放置或者被连接在一起,整个空间可以作为群里训练的理想选择。由于标准框架的多样性,每个用户都可以找到属于他们的最佳使用方式。

Cross Systems is designed as an open and inviting structure offering innovative fitness equipment ranging from suspension trainers and pull up bars to free weights and parallel bars. The six different frames can stand alone or be placed as joined structures, ideal for group training. Thanks to the wide variety in standard frames one can always create a composition that fits the needs of any location and user.

▼多样的框架系统,wide variety in standard frames

该设计获得了两项设计大奖:欧洲产品设计奖和澳大利亚优秀设计奖。在澳大利亚,Cross Systems赢得了“体育与生活产品设计类别”的奖项。评审团说道:“这是一个卓越的设计。 KOMPAN为这个类别的设计奠定了新的设计标准,并且把整个行业的设计水平提升到了一个新的层次。这个产品在每个细节都做得非常出色。最后的结果就是改变了整个行业的现状。如果可能的话,我们应该在澳大利亚的每个社区公园中都安装一个类似的装置。”

The design has been recognised by winning two design awards; European Product Design Award and Good Design Award from Australia. In Australia, Cross Systems won Best in Category of the Sports and Lifestyle product design category. The independent judging panel commented “Design excellence at its very best. KOMPAN sets the standard for good design in this category and the KOMPAN Cross Systems takes this to a whole new level. Every aspect of this product has been exceptionally well designed. The end result is another game changer from this design-driven company. Can we have one of these installed in every park in every town across Australia please?”

▼多种使用方式适合各类型的场地和使用者,diversity of composition fits the needs of any location and user


World problem to solve


Cross Systems is globally available, and everywhere, there is a big inactivity problem to solve. The world is challenged with rapid urbanization, an ageing population and sedentary lifestyles, leaving communities with alarmingly low levels of physical activity. Globally, over 39% of all adults and over 80% adolescents fail to meet even the minimum amount of physical activity as recommended by the World Health Organization. The financial burden of inactivity related health issues, dependency and lost productivity, is putting already tight public budgets under huge pressure.

▼安全性的设施,the innovative patent pending breaking system

Cross System这个产品的目标是在户外为用户提供单人或者分组的训练方式,把他们带入健康、快乐的生活方式。为了激励和引导用户,KOMPAN开发了一个支持性的应用程序,可以为用户演示器械的使用方法,并连接社交网络来更新用户的状态。Cross System在第一批用户调研中获得了良好的反馈,在哥本哈根进行的一项调查显示,23%的使用者在使用这个产品后变得更加有活力了。

The aim of Cross Systems is to inspire people to engage in a healthy and happy lifestyle by providing public-accessible places to train alone or in groups. In order to guide and motivate users, KOMPAN has developed a supporting app that can demonstrate exercises, suggest workouts and connect users through a social wall. First user research of Cross Systems shows great results. A survey in Copenhagen showed that 23% of the users using the new site had not been active before it was opened.

▼支持性的程序可以演示器械的使用方法,a supporting app that can demonstrate exercises

More: KOMPAN,更多请至:KOMPAN on gooood