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MVRDV的鹿特丹市场项目已经开幕,并获得了赢得2014年鹿特丹市营销奖。MVRDV给gooood分享了这一消息,另外我们曾经在鹿特丹市场项目开幕前报道过这个拱形大市场项目,并提供了较为详尽的图文,将是本文极好的补充阅读,详情请点击蓝色链接。更多关于他们:MVRDV on gooood
Winy Maas 与Hans Schröder的鹿特丹市场项目(Markthal Rotterdam )赢得2014年鹿特丹市营销奖(Marketing Award)鹿特丹市与其城市赞助商把今年的鹿特丹市营销奖授予Winy Mass和来自Provast的项目开发人Hans Schröder,以表彰他们在创造“鹿特丹新地标:Markthal”项目中所担任的角色。该奖项每年由市长Aboutaleb颁发给为鹿特丹城市荣誉作出重要贡献的人们。
Markthal Rotterdam by MVRDV
Winy Maas and Hans Schröder win Rotterdam’s Marketing Award 2014 for Markthal Rotterdam
The City of Rotterdam and Rotterdam Partners granted this year’s Marketing Award Rotterdam to Winy Maas and Project Developer Hans Schröder of Provast for their role in creating the ‘new icon of Rotterdam: Markthal’. The award is presented annually by Mayor Aboutaleb to people who have contributed to the reputation of the city in an essential way.
( another article about Markthal Rotterdam on gooood )
▲ Markthal Rotterdam, “an important urban transformation”
(imageOssip van Duivenbode)
The jury report mentions that “with the realisation of Markthal Rotterdam in the city centre something unique was created. In a short period this building has become an absolute must-see. Markthal received in the first weeks already one million visitors. Hundreds of positive publications about Markthal have been published in the national and international press. The project of which the two winners are figurehead has played an essential role in strengthening the reputation of the city and the brand of Rotterdam.”
The jury was impressed by the determination and passion of both winners. “They have both within their expertise with a large team of creative professionals realised an important urban transformation. This demands a long term vision, a combination of creativity and business insight and a passion for Rotterdam.”
▲ “Cornucopia’, a one hectare art work, is used to attract people, already two million followed its call. (image by Ossip van Duivenbode)
Hans Schröder (63)直到去年之前一直担任Provast开发商总监一职。他带领的团队与MVRDV,众多顾问以及工程建设公司在Markthal项目上合作长达十年之久。Winy Maas (53)作为MVRDV的共同创办人,领导了项目的设计和建设。
鹿特丹市场于2014年十月一日由荷兰女王Maxima宣布开幕。这个项目是荷兰第一个有顶盖的食品市场,同时也是结合了居住和购物的一种新的城市建筑类型。鹿特丹市场的墙和房顶是由228个公寓构成的一个大弧形。而在这个弧形的内面,是由Arno Coenen和Iris Roskam创作的“丰饶之角”,这个面积达到11000平方米的艺术品也是整个荷兰最大的艺术作品。
Hans Schröder (63) was, until last year, director of Provast developers. Together with his team, MVRDV and a multitude of consultants and construction companies he worked for ten years on Markthal. Winy Maas (53) is co-founder of MVRDV and led the design and realisation of the project.
Markthal Rotterdam was opened on the 1st of October 2014 by Queen Maxima. Markthal is the first covered food-market of the Netherlands and a new urban typology combining living with shopping. The walls and roof of Markthalare an arch of 228 apartments. Inside the arch is the art work ‘Cornucopia’ by Arno Coenen and Iris Roskam, and at 11.000m2, it is the largest art piece in the whole of the Netherlands.
Markthal recently received its two millionth visitors, and was the subject of more than 500 articles in the international press, many of which were filled with positive impressions of the space. The image of Markthal featured in many lists recommending a global audience to visit Rotterdam, published by the likes of CNN, The Guardian, The New York Times, Rough Guides and TIME Magazine, all of whom noted the enormous changes currently underway, which the Markthal marks in Rotterdam, the second city of the Netherlands.
▲ 鹿特丹市场就像一剂城市催化剂,让劳伦斯地区再次变得繁华热闹。
Markthal as an urban catalyst helping to turn the Laurens Quarter into a lively and bustling area once again 。
▲ 每个公寓都拥有朝向历史建筑劳伦斯教堂的景观,或是朝向Mass河的景观之一,以及都拥有朝向市场的景观。
Every apartment has either a view towards the historic Laurens Church or the river Maas, and towards the market。
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